Today, we look at how you can lower bad LDL cholesterol and detox your arteries with three natural foods. We also give you a recipe for a drink made with these 3 ingredients.

Although cholesterol is essential for the body, having too much of one type can be dangerous.
If you eat a lot of junk food and sugar, it can ruin your cardiovascular health. This is because when you eat unhealthy foods, it can cause bad cholesterol and fat to build up in your arteries. This makes it harder for your heart to function properly.
Many people use blood thinners and statins to lower their cholesterol levels. However, you can also manage your cholesterol levels by eating the right foods. In this article, we will show you how to do this.
High cholesterol specifically refers to high levels of oxidized cholesterol. When cholesterol is oxidized, it can cause a build-up of plaque in the artery walls. This can lead to a condition called atherosclerosis, which is when the arteries become narrower and hardened.
Plaque is made up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, cellular waste products and fibrin that build up on the inside of our arterial walls, which damages the existing cells and cause inflammation.
This makes it harder for cells and tissues to get the oxygen and nutrients they need.
Arteries that are stiff and narrow can impair blood flow throughout the body, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke in the brain.
Now, what is oxidized cholesterol?
Cholesterol is mainly comprised of two main types: LDL and HDL.
HDL or “good” cholesterol helps to take away cholesterol that is not needed. This type of cholesterol goes back to your liver so it can be cleared away.
LDL cholesterol is “bad” because it transports fat and cholesterol throughout your body. Too much of it can build up in the walls of your arteries, which can lead to health problems.
We now know that LDL cholesterol only poses a health risk if it is oxidized.
Cholesterol and fat that have been oxidized are the enemies of a healthy body.
Our bodies treat these as harmful substances and stimulate cytokines to damage and kill them with inflammation.
Because LDL cholesterol is highly oxidation-prone, an increase in LDL cholesterol levels normally causes a corresponding rise in coronary artery disease risk.
There are two sources of the oxidized cholesterol that clogs our arteries and causes coronary artery disease.
One. Some of the fats and oils we eat are oxidized. That means that they turn into chemicals that can damage cells.
Two. We produce the rest of it internally.
Oils and fats go rancid more quickly when they’re heated, dried, aged, exposed to light or otherwise chemically processed. A diet rich in vegetable oils is unquestionably dangerous, and should be avoided.
Did you know that sugar oxidizes just like oils and fats? Many oxidation products are produced when glucose, and especially fructose, is heated or processed in any way.
Numerous studies have illustrated that individuals who are in danger of heart attacks and require bypass surgery often have high oxidized LDL cholesterol, not normal LDL cholesterol.
The good news is, you can consume antioxidants through food to stop free radicals and repair the damage they’ve done to cells and organs.
Next, a 3-ingredient cholesterol-lowering recipe:
This drink is packed with nutrients that help break down unhealthy cholesterol and clear your arteries, perfect for aiding your journey to a healthier lifestyle.
1 gallon (4 liters) of clean water.
Organic lemons – 8
Organic garlic – 8 cloves
1.9 inches (4-5 cm) of organic ginger
Thoroughly clean the lemons by scrubbing the rind, but do not peel them.
After you slice the lemon, peel the ginger and garlic.
After you crush the garlic, let it sit for 15 minutes.
This will activate the allicin, which is a powerful and medicinal compound. that gives garlic its benefits.
Add all ingredients to the blender except for the water and pulse until smooth.
In a saucepan, add the paste to water and heat over medium flame.
As soon as it starts to boil, take the mixture off the heat.
After the liquid has cooled, strain it.
Pour your drink into glass jars or bottles with lids and store them in the fridge.
How to Use:
For best results, drink this daily on an empty stomach two hours before meals.
Combine this protocol with exercise three times a week for best results.
How It Works.
Ginger. Dried ginger powder, administered at 0.1 g/kg of body weight per day, has been shown to reduce the risk of atheroma by up to 50% in as little as 75 days.
Atheroma and plaque are terms used to describe the build-up of fatty deposits and scar tissue in the walls of arteries. This can restrict blood circulation and increase the risk of blood clots.
Ginger can help prevent heart disease by keeping platelets from accumulating in arteries. It also reduces plasma cholesterol.
Not only does it not have the negative side effects, but it is just as effective as other medication such as aspirin.
Garlic. Garlic has been used for centuries as a preventative measure against heart conditions such as atherosclerosis.
Not only does it lower cholesterol and blood pressure, but it also strengthens the immune system.
A 4-year study concluded that those who took 900 mg of standardized garlic powder daily had a significantly lower development of atherosclerosis.
In addition, it contains antioxidants that scavenge harmful free radicals, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Lemons. The regular intake of lemons and daily walks helped to lower blood pressure and increase the number of red blood cells.
Lemon also helps the liver detox and clear excess cholesterol.
And that’s your cholesterol-lowering drink!