Teen Invents Bra That Can Save Millions After Mom Nearly Dies Of Breast Cancer

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

breast cancer bra

Thanks to their new invention, Julian and his team won the top prize at the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards and the accompanying $20,000 reward. Plus, at 18 years old, heā€™s now the CEO and co-founder of his own biosensor company, Higia Technologies.

It may be a few years before the bra hits the market as it still has to undergo extensive testing. Regardless, Julian is hopeful and looks forward to launching the product.

However, Anna Perman from Cancer Research UK told the BBC: “We know that tumours often have an abnormal system of blood vessels, but we also know that increased blood flow isn’t necessarily a reliable marker of cancer.

“At present, there is no evidence to show whether this bra is a reliable way to detect tumours, and it’s certainly not a good idea for women to use technology that hasn’t been tested in good-quality scientific trials.

“It’s great to see young people like Julian getting into science and having ideas that could help with cancer diagnosis. But an important part of science is rigorous testing, to make sure innovations like this actually benefit patients.” (3)

Catching Breast Cancer Early

While you wait for breast cancer technology to catch up, there are a few tools you can use to examine your breasts.

Self Exam

Doing regular breast self-examinations are an easy way to detect any changes in breast tissue in between regular medical exams. Women who have a family history of the disease should examine themselves even more regularly.

Taking some medications, such as Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) and prescription diuretics may also increase your breast cancer risk (4,5).


You can find out how to perform a self-examination here. Make sure to perform your self-exam twice: once while standing up and once lying down.
