9 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Crunches

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

8. They are boring.

‘Nuff said. Exercise should be engaging. If not we don’t stay with it.

Working in a way that keeps our mind active is important.

Enjoying what we do makes the difference between fit-for-life and fit-until-I-run-out-of-steam-and-possibly-at-the-cost-of-my-thyroid-and-adrenals.

9. For anyone who has diastic recti, they will only make things worse.

This is a very common condition for women who have given birth.

It’s is a disorder defined as a separation of the rectus abdominis muscle into right and left halves.

It often goes “undiagnosed” and most women who have it think they just need to lose weight or tone their tummy as the result is a protruding pooch.

But doing crunches will only aggravate the situation more. For real results, check out this book.

Even if crunches weren’t dangerous, restrictive, and ineffective there are so many other options that provide true core training.

So… do you do crunches? Are you willing to consider some better alternatives?
