8 Amazing Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper (It’s Totally Worth The Burn!)

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

cayenne pepper

cayenne pepper benefitsCayenne pepper is a spice with a long history of medicinal and therapeutic uses. Used in many cleanse recipes, this seasoning packs a kick, but it’s more than just a distinctive flavor. Here are some of the health benefits of cayenne pepper:

1. Anti-fungal Properties

Cayenne pepper contains a compound known as CAY-1, a novel anti-fungal compound. Studies have shown that this compound prevents fungal growth.

2. Pain Relief

Capsicum, also known as capsaicin, is found in cayenne peppers and is often used topically for pain relief. Studies have shown that capsicum patches can relieve muscle pain; capsicum cream is also effective in treating chronic pain.

3. Promoting Heart Health

A recent paper published in the journal Critical Reviews of Food Science Nutrition discusses the potential of capsicum for having cardio-protective properties.

4. Anti-Inflammatory

Capsicum has been proven to have an anti-inflammatory effect on antigen-induced inflammation.

5. Metabolism Booster

Cayenne pepper may also boost your metabolic rate, according to a study on Thai women done in 2003, making it an important weight loss tool.

6. Preventing Diabetes Complications

A 2014 study in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences has revealed that cayenne pepper may have an important role to play in preventing complications from diabetes due to it’s anti-oxidation effects.

7. Cancer Prevention

A study on mice in 2001 discovered that cayenne pepper may have anti-cancer properties as well, inhibiting the growth of tumors in in vitro mice, as well as inhibiting the effects of the Epstein-Barr virus.

8. Reducing Oxidative Stress

This 2013 study revealed that a combination of green tea concentrate and capsicum can greatly reduce oxidative stress, which is one of the major culprits of cancer.
