8. Windshield Wiper
- Lower yourself down to the ground and roll onto your back.
- Bring your arms out to the sides to from a “T” with your body.
- Raise your leg towards the ceiling, keeping them straight while your head and should stay on the ground.
- Lower both legs to the ground on your right as close to the ground as you can get without losing form.
- Reverse the movement to lower both legs to the left.
- Repeat.
9. Push Jacks
- Stand up with feet together, back straight and shoulder back.
- Bend your elbows and place your hands on your shoulders with the palms facing up.
- Jump up while widening the gap between your feet (like a jumping jack) as you pump your hands towards the ceiling.
- Reverse the movement and repeat.
10. Pike-Up
- Start in a high plank position.
- Engage your core and jump your legs forward to place your body in an upside-down “V” position. Keep your knees slightly bent.
- Jump back to starting position.
- Repeat.
11. X-Up
- Lie down on your back with your arms out by your sides and your legs straight.
- Engage your core to touch your right foot with your left hand.
- Lie back down and repeat, touching your left foot with your right hand.
- Repeat, alternating sides each time.
12. Hollow Body Hold
- Stay on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your sides.
- Engage your core to lift your shoulders and legs off the floor. Keep the small of your back firmly on the ground.
- Hold this position for a full 30 seconds.
If you have the time, go through this at home ab workout circuit 2-3 times.