2. Carrot & Raisin Slaw
Whenever you feel tired of eating green salad, give this healthy homemade carrot slaw a go. The beta-carotene found in carrots, act as antioxidants and can help protect your cells from free radicals.
Recipe @ pictureperfectmeals
3. Some Shade of Paleo Carrot Cake – Grain & Sugar Free
Yes. That isn’t a spelling error; this is infact a sugar free carrot cake recipe! And as one of the ingredients used to sweeten it is fresh pineapple, you will also be giving your body a good boost of naturally occurring vitamin C and the vital enzyme ‘bromelain’ that helps to digest protein containing foods.
Bromelain has also been found to contain anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties.
Recipe @ thehealthyfoodie
4. Coconut Oil Roasted Carrot Fries
One of the reasons fried foods are unhealthy is because the oil they are cooked in is heated to levels so high that it changes the chemical structure of the original oil, making it extremely toxic to us on a cellular level.
This recipe uses coconut oil to deliciously roast these carrots, which is one of a very small number of safe cooking fats to use when heating your food.
So go on – impress your friends when they next come to visit, by making this extremely easy side dish recipe that not only tastes amazing and is good for you, but really helps do away with all of the other boring fried white potatoes recipes out there.
Recipe @ deliciousobsessions
5. Carrot Cake Smoothie
Including freshly made smoothies in your diet is a proven way to increase your health and vitality. This recipe has both the power to satisfy a sweet tooth and also do good for you.
By including carrots in your smoothie you are also helping to increase your levels of vitamin K which is a vital nutrient that has recently been proven to help us absorb vitamin D better.
Recipe @ thegreenforks