5 Everyday Foods That Can Help Prevent Kidney Stones

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

prevent kidney disease

The pain from having a kidney stone can be excruciating. This is why it is vital you ensure you are doing all you can to prevent the formation of kidney stones in the first place through natural means.

Of those who have had kidney stones in the past, almost half will go on to develop another case of kidney stones within 7 years if they do not put in motion preventative measures immediately. Kidney stones are formed when specific chemicals become concentrated enough in the urine which then forms crystals.

Most stones occur when calcium combines with one of two substances: oxalate or phosphorous. Stones can also form from uric acid, which forms as the body metabolizes protein.

These crystals then grow into larger stones over time if unresolved, which at all times means they can make their way through the urinary tract. If this happens, stones can get stuck somewhere which will cause pain and block the flow of urine.

Applying a prevention plan doesn’t need to be complicated. Read about how these 5 common foods could help prevent you from getting kidney stones again or for the first time.

1. Aloe Vera

prevent kidney stones

A recent Thai study found that aloe gel, from the plant, was found to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Khon Kaen University in Thailand carried out the study on 31 health male medical students aged between 18 and 23 years of age, with the results being published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.

The subjects were given 100 g of fresh aloe gel twice a day, for seven consecutive days. And at the end of the study the researchers concluded that changes in chemical compositions of urine after aloe consumption showed potential for preventing kidney stone formation among adults[1].
