5 DIY Natural Recipes to Help You Sleep Like a Baby

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

5. Herbal Bedtime Tea

*Purchase organically-grown or wildcrafted herbs whenever possible. Parts are measured by volume not weight.

  • 3 parts chamomile flowers
  • 2 parts lemon balm
  • 1 part catnip
  • 1 part oatstraw
  • 1 part passionflower
  • 1/4 part hop flowers
  • 1/4 part valerian root


1. Measure the parts of each of the herbs listed and mix in a large bowl until well combined.

2. Grab your tea accessoriestea infusers, and/or tea pots…and brew a cup!

3. This herbal tea blend will keep stored in a cool, dark place for approximately 6 months.

Recommended Usage

This tea is mild enough to use nightly. Take a cup 30 minutes before bed.

Did you find any of these natural sleep aids beneficial? If so please share your thoughts below as we would love to hear what worked for you, and this information will help to inspire others to give these natural options a go which we are a big fan of promoting!
