4 Natural Ingredients You Can Eat To Help Your Body Detox And Flush Out Heavy Metals

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

wheatgrass juice

We live in a world full of toxins. From the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe, there are harmful substances everywhere.

Because of this reality, detox products and programs line the shelves of health food stores.

And while cleansing the body is necessary, it may be simpler than many people think.

Lots of detox programs can be very hard on the body and can cause unpleasant side effects. There are, however, gentler ways to cleanse, if you know what products to use.

1. Pectin

citrus fruits

“Pectin comes from the fibrous portion of the fruit and is most commonly found in the pith of limes, lemons and other citrus fruit as well as in apples. Other sources of pectin are bananas, grapes, carrots, and cabbage.”

Pectin helps remove heavy metals from the blood stream. You can incorporate it into your diet by eating produce rich in pectin or taking in supplement form.
