Things You Unknowingly Do to Sabotage Your Weight Loss

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

4) You Rely on “Diet Food”

Frozen meals marketed by a weight loss companies can be easier and healthier alternatives to stopping at the drive-thru on your way home, but relying on them too much can put a dent in your weight loss progress. Pre-packaged meals and other processed foods, “diet” branded or not, are still higher in sodium content and lower in nutrients than whole, unprocessed foods.

If you’re pressed for time, try spending one evening per week cooking up freezable meals that are high in natural ingredients like lean protein and antioxidant-packed veggies.

Related: The Truth About Diet Sodas and Why They Don’t Work

5) You’re Not Eating Enough

While a main tenet of many diets is “eat less,” be careful not to eat too little. We humans have not quite evolved to the point of being able to separate intentional weight loss from hunting and gathering failure, so when your body doesn’t get enough calories, it goes into survival mode.

Not eating enough calories can make your body hold onto more fat in an attempt to help you survive the famine, and it also means that you’re not getting enough nutrients to supply your body with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy function.

