7. Back Scratch – done while standing
- Make sure you are standing straight with shoulders and head back, in line with the spine.
- Reach your right arm straight up next to your right ear with palm facing forward and your left arm straight down with the palm facing behind you.
- Bend both arms at the elbow and reach your hands together behind your back. The palm of your right hand should be facing your back and the palm of your left should be facing outward. Reach to try to touch your fingers together while keeping your back straight.
- Hold, then return to the starting position.
- Switch arms so that your left arm is up and your right arm is down at your side, then repeat the stretch.
8. Quad Stretch – done while standing
- Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. You may use a wall or the back of a chair for support.
- Bend your right knee so your foot is behind you and grab it with your right hand, gently pulling the top of the right foot toward your butt. Stretch your quadriceps as far as you comfortably can (remember, it’s not supposed to hurt!), with the goal to touch the heel of your foot to your buttocks.
- Hold, then return to center and repeat with the left leg.
9. Heel Chord – done while standing. This stretch is for the calves and the tissues surrounding the ankle that connect to the heel of the foot.
- Stand facing a wall and place both hands at shoulder width and height flat on the wall.
- Place your right leg forward and slightly bent at the knee. The left leg should be straight behind you. Both heels should be flat on the floor with toes pointed at the wall.
- Keeping both heels on the ground, gently press your hips toward the wall. You should feel your calf muscles stretch.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds, then relax for 20 seconds.
- Repeat twice, then switch legs and do the entire stretch again with the left foot forward.
10. Hip Flexor – done while lying on the floor (place a thick towel, rug, or yoga mat under you). This is an active stretch.
- Begin by lying straight, flat on the floor.
- Bend and raise your right knee and place your hands (interlocked) behind the thigh, directly below the knee.
- Using your hands, raise your knee toward your chest until you feel a stretch.
- Hold the stretch, then slowly lower your right leg to the floor.
- Switch legs and repeat.
11. Leg Extension – done while lying on the floor (place a thick towel, rug, or yoga mat under you). Use a resistance band or towel to get a full stretch, placing the band (or towel) under the ball of the foot to be stretched. This is a passive stretch.
- Bend both knees so feet are flat on the floor.
- Bring your right leg straight up toward the ceiling as high as you can, ideally to a 90° angle to the floor.
- Hold and repeat 5-10 times, then switch to raise the left leg.
12. Piriformis – done while lying on the floor (place a thick towel, rug, or yoga mat under you)
- Begin lying on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Keeping your neck and back pressed into the floor, place your right ankle over your left thigh just above the knee.
- Raise your left leg off the floor toward your chest until you feel the pull in your pelvis.
- Hold for 5 seconds. If the stretch is too challenging, straighten the left leg a bit.
- Slowly release the left leg back to the floor and return the right foot to the floor.
- Switch legs and repeat.
Now you have some easy stretches that you can do any time, anywhere. Stretching will keep muscles loose and toned, after more vigorous exercise or simply to maintain flexibility and range of motion.