5. Skin Conditions
It’s often said that the condition of your skin is a direct reflection of your GI health. Doctors are actually able to cure certain skin conditions by changing their patient’s diets and incorporating probiotics.
Combined with apple cider vinegar, a powerful digestive aid, you may be able to successfully treat acne, rosacea, rashes, eczema, etc… If no noticeable improvement is seen, continue probiotics and visit your doctor to get checked for hormonal imbalances.
6. Weak Immune System
As mentioned in the food poisoning section, a strong probiotic presence can help prevent against illness and infection. It is estimated that 70-80% of your body’s total immune system is found in your GI tract. If you get sick often even with proper hygienic precautions, it’s likely that you lack enough probiotics in your gut.
In addition to probiotic supplementation, be sure to wash your hands several times daily (before eating, after shaking hands or using the restroom, etc…) and disinfect your living space regularly.
Tip: use essential oil and plant-based cleansers to kill bacteria that are resistant to chemical cleansers, such as bleach.
7. Yeast Overgrowth
We’re not just talking about yeast infections here – any kind of yeast overgrowth can present with a number of symptoms in both men and women. Skin problems, poor sleeping patterns, sugar cravings, bloat, and feeling mentally ‘foggy’ are all signs of too much yeast in your system.
Probiotics help keep yeast in check – and will help prevent future yeast infections – but you’ll also need to make other changes to your diet to rid yourself of the yeast overgrowth.
Yeast LOVE sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. Avoid foods and drinks high in these elements until the overgrowth is cleared (and try to keep them to a minimum anyway for overall health benefits).
Now, how do you get started?
Probiotic supplements can be a scary field to navigate, and nothing can really replace a healthy diet, so you might as well start there.
Read more about probiotic-rich foods (including chocolate!) here.