How Dr. Oz Stays Healthy

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

5. Eat Real Food

Dr. Oz sticks to a diet of whole foods and tries to avoid processed items. By sticking to foods that are mostly in their original forms, like fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein sources, you can avoid the chemicals and extra fat and sodium in processed foods. Cooking with real ingredients can be slightly more time consuming than picking up a frozen dinner but in the end you’ll feel happier and healthier for it!

6. Stand Up

Sitting around all day, whether at work or at home, isn’t so great for your body in a few different ways. A sedentary lifestyle leads to fewer calories burned throughout the day and more weight gain and a constant sitting position can cause a significant amount of back pain. Dr. Oz recommends standing up whenever possible, whether that means walking around when you’re on the phone or convincing your boss to deck out the office with standing desks.

7. Get Around 8 Hours of Sleep

Getting enough sleep can help stave off depression as well as a whole host of other maladies, ranging from diabetes to heart disease.

While there’s no magic number that researchers have been able to ascertain, most people find that getting between 6 and 8 hours of sleep per night results in them feeling rested and energized.

What are your tips for better health?

