Top 10 Best Foods for Your Nervous System

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

Welcome to another video! In today’s video, we’re going to explore the top 10 best foods for your nervous system. When was the last time you stopped to think about your nervous system? Can’t remember? Well, you’re far from being the only one.

⚡Top 10 Best Foods for Your Nervous System (Neuropathy Remedies)

This bodily system comprises two parts: the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system — all the nerves and their branches extend from the spinal cord to all parts of the body.

As this is something we can’t see, we tend to neglect it.

However, I’d like you to realize how much is the nervous system necessary for our health and well-being.

It calls the shots when it comes to functions like breathing, heart rate, feeling emotions, thinking, memory, blood pressure, and flow, sleep, movement, and coordination — and the list goes on.

Now, let’s get into the ten foods that are essential for a healthy nervous system.

Make sure you watch this video until the end — at least one of them comes as a total surprise!

As always, this video is educational and does not construe medical advice, we are not doctors.

Number 10. Bananas.

Nature’s perfect candy, bananas, are not only super delicious but incredibly nutritious.


Packed with nutrients that promote the health of our nervous system, such as potassium, vitamin B6, and tryptophan — a precursor to mood-lifting hormone serotonin, bananas are a perfect pick-me-up snack your nervous system will thank you for.

Number 9. Clams.

Not a big seafood fan? I urge you to reconsider that.

Firstly, clams are packed with omega-3 fatty acids.

Here’s why that matters.

Omega-3s play a crucial role in our central nervous system by protecting it from inflammation — which causes the conditions like depression and fatigue, as well as brain disorders.

Clams are also an amazing source of Vitamin B12. Three ounces provide 700% the daily recommended amount!

There is no healthy nervous system without Vitamin B12. Why?

It’s essential for making a chemical called, in short, SAM-E that plays a huge part in affecting our mood, and has been used to alleviate depression symptoms.

Number 8. Spinach.

Let’s talk about spinach.


You already know it’s a superfood, but many people don’t realize it’s a neuro-nutrition heavyweight champ as well.

And don’t worry, neuro-nutrition is just a big word that means food that’s good for your brain and nervous system.

Spinach is plentiful in vitamin B9 or folate. You already know that pregnant women supplement with folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, to support the baby’s nervous system development.

A study has shown that a diet rich in folate and B6 helps boost cognitive ability and short-term memory.

The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Ageing has shown that a high-folate diet significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Number 7. Grass-fed beef.

If the thought of sinking your teeth into a juicy grass-fed steak doesn’t appeal to you… I’d like you to revisit your opinion.

Unprocessed, high-quality cuts of this meat are chock-full of compounds that promote neurological health.

Iron, for instance, is crucial in early childhood cognitive development.

We often tend to overlook how essential iron is in multitude of processes in the brain.


What happens when we’re iron deficient? Studies have linked it to compromised motor and cognitive development.

Beef also contains B1 or thiamine, which is linked to supporting the nerve membrane function and production of several neurotransmitters. A diet rich in B1 prevents complications in the nervous system and diseases such as beriberi.

Alpha-lipoic acid in grass-fed beef has been known for its anti-oxidant properties and is used to treat neurological and psychiatric diseases.

Number 6. Fish.

Do you love eating fish? Not only does fish make a delicious meal, but given how rich in omega 3-fatty acids like EPA and DHA it is, the positive impact it’ll have on your nervous system’s health will be huge.

Both EPA and DHA are essential for healthy brain function, as they help maintain cell membrane health and communication between the brain cells.

According to a study, eating fish twice a week might reduce the risk of dementia by 41%.

It’s important to state that both EPA and DHA benefit ADHD disorder, autism, dyspraxia, dyslexia, and depression, with further research on the impact on schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder on the way.

Number 5. Pumpkin seeds.

Did you know thay in addition to being a popular snack, pumpkin seeds are loaded with brain health-promoting compounds.

They’re not only rich in omega-3s we just talked about but also in magnesium.


Now, you may be reaching for your magnesium supplement to calm down, sleep better and avoid muscle cramps.

But magnesium is also extremely important for nerve transmission, brain health in general, and is involved in preventing and treatment of neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, migraine, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and epilepsy.

Number 4. Olive oil.

I’d like to talk about olive oil now.

Known as the healthiest fat on earth, it’s extremely rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects fatty tissues within the human body — one of which being myelin — a layer made of fat and protein that forms around nerves and serves as their insulation. At the same time, the electrical impulses are exchanged between the nerve cells.

The antioxidants in the extra-virgin olive oil protect the body against inflammation, so feel free to use it liberally in your diet.

No wonder that the Mediterranean diet that incorporates fish, vegetables, and heavy amounts of olive oil has been consistently regarded as one of, if not the healthiest diets on the planet.


This means it’s time for you to start drizzling over olive oil over your salads, veggies, fish, and meats.

Number 3. Avocados.

Who doesn’t love excellent guacamole? Well, given just how much avocados do our nervous system good, we’d be wise to tuck into it more often.

In addition to containing B vitamins, which, as we know, help the nervous system function properly, avocados are high in monounsaturated fatty acids.

Why is that important?

According to a study, these cells help to protect brain cells called astrocytes, which support the nerves that carry information.

Individuals suffering from neurological disorders, such as epilepsy are often advised to eat an avocado-rich diet to utilize the protective properties of the monounsaturated fatty acids.

Number 2. Legumes.

Beans, lentils, soybeans, and chickpeas — this healthy food group is a staple of many world cuisines.

Many people don’t realize it, but legumes are very magnesium-rich foods.

So, making them a staple in our diet would be a smart decision.

A study has shown that legumes protect against cognitive decline by boosting memory and cognitive skills.

Another study has confirmed that a lower intake of legumes leads to cognitive demise in the elderly.

But there’s much more to legumes than just magnesium.

They’re also packed with the B vitamins, which help make the neurotransmitters that pass signals between the nerves.

Getting in plenty of protein and B vitamins through legumes is an intelligent approach to nutrition for both the people following a plant-based and the ones on a standard diet.

Number 1. Dark chocolate.

Who knew that eating to protect your nervous system can taste THIS good?

Well, it’s true — dark chocolate can improve the function of our brain.

It’s rich in magnesium and flavonoids.

Why do flavonoids matter?

Well, firstly, they positively affect the brain by stimulating its blood flow and making new blood vessels and neurons in it.

Flavanoids also protect against age-related cognitive decline and decrease the risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s.

Finally, as every chocolate aficionado already knows: good chocolate is a natural mood booster that stimulates the brain through caffeine and its relative theobromine, which is milder.

Also, chocolate contains tyrosine, a chemical compound that acts as a precursor to “happiness hormone” dopamine, linked to the activation of the rewards centers in the brain.

So, no reason to feel bad about indulging in those delicious, decadent chocolate treats.

You need your flavanoids!

There you have it! The top 10 best foods for your nervous system.

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And now, over to you:

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