Study Reveals Drinking Alcohol Actually Helps You Speak Foreign Languages Better

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

A study by the University of Liverpool, in collaboration with Maastricht University and King’s College London, found that individuals who had consumed a low dose of alcohol had better pronunciation in a foreign language compared to when they were sober.

The study focused on German-speaking students who had recently learned to speak, read, and write in Dutch. Each participant was given either a low dose of alcohol or a control beverage with no alcohol, and then asked to engage in a conversation in Dutch. The results were clear: those who had a bit of alcohol were rated higher by native Dutch speakers in their language skills.


Sipping on Confidence: How Alcohol Affects Pronunciation

But how does this happen? Most importantly, alcohol is known to lower inhibitions and increase self-confidence. This could mean that with a bit of alcohol in your system, the fear of making mistakes decreases, and you’re more likely to try speaking the new language without the usual reservations. This doesn’t mean you suddenly know more vocabulary or grasp grammar better. Instead, you may simply be more willing to use what you already know, and that can make all the difference.

Therefore, if you’re learning a new language and looking for ways to improve your speaking abilities, understanding the role of alcohol could be a part of your strategy. But, because there’s a fine line between a confidence-boosting sip and overindulgence that muddles speech, it’s essential to approach this method with caution and responsibility.

Understanding the Alcohol-Language Connection

So, what’s happening inside our brains when we take that sip of courage? Alcohol has a depressant effect on the brain, which can reduce our tendency to overthink and worry about the details. This can be particularly helpful when speaking a foreign language, as it might allow for more fluid communication, free from the constraints of self-doubt and perfectionism.

Breaking Down the Science

At its core, the connection between alcohol and language skills hinges on the delicate balance of cognitive functions. Alcohol, in moderate amounts, can lower social inhibitions and allow a person’s innate language ability to shine through without the dampening effect of anxiety. It’s a bit like loosening a tight muscle – a small amount of alcohol acts as a linguistic lubricant, easing the flow of conversation.

The Anxiety Reduction Hypothesis

“Our study shows that acute alcohol consumption may have beneficial effects on the pronunciation of a foreign language in people who recently learned that language,” says Dr. Inge Kersbergen, from the University of Liverpool.

This quote encapsulates the Anxiety Reduction Hypothesis, suggesting that the social lubricant effect of alcohol may lower the psychological barriers to speaking a second language. It’s not that the alcohol is making you more knowledgeable; rather, it’s making you less afraid to use what you know.

Therefore, if you’re studying a new language and find yourself tongue-tied, a small amount of alcohol might help lower those barriers. But remember, this isn’t about drinking more; it’s about optimizing the level of relaxation to enhance your existing language skills.


Drinking too much can have the opposite effect, leading to slurred speech and impaired memory, which are definitely not conducive to language learning. The key is to find that sweet spot where a small amount of alcohol can ease anxiety without impairing cognitive function.

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