Dietary Supplements with DMAA Ruled Dangerous by FDA

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

The FDA has ruled DMAA, a common dietary and exercise supplement, to be unsafe, but it’s still on the market. Are you putting your health at risk with DMAA?

What Is DMAA?

DMAA stands for dimethylamylamine, a stimulant commonly found in workout enhancement and weight loss supplements, particularly the brands Jack3d and OxyElite Pro. Since 2008, the FDA has received reports of nearly 90 instances of health issues potentially caused by DMMA, as well as five deaths in individuals who were taking supplements that contained the stimulant.

Most of the reported problems involve the circulatory system, as use of the stimulant can cause a spike in blood pressure. This, in turn, can result in heart attack, stroke, and damage to the arteries.

Why Is It Still Available?

Unfortunately, the FDA has very little control over supplements until they start to cause problems. While the FDA had received reports about DMAA previously, the supplement came to the forefront of the administration’s attention in 2011, when DMAA was found in the bloodstreams of two members of the US Military who died during training exercises.

Since then, the FDA has issued statements warning consumers about the potential dangers of supplements containing DMAA, and a number of companies have replaced DMAA with safer ingredients in their formulas. Unfortunately, while the ingredient is illegal, supplement manufacturers are not directly supervised by the FDA, and for that reason, supplements containing DMAA are still available on store shelves and through a number of online retailers.


Is DMAA Really Dangerous?

Some naysayers have suggested that although DMAA is the ingredient currently being targeted by the FDA, there is no conclusive evidence that this particular substance is the cause of extreme cardiac issues, as there are plenty of other supplement ingredients that have not been studied extensively. It’s up to you to decide whether or not DMAA is worth the risk, but it’s clear that the FDA believes that consumers should avoid products that contain it.

Want to know more about the FDA’s perspective on DMAA? Check out this video.

