Cooking With Cherries: 5 Recipes

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

Cherries are a real superfruit, chock-full of antioxidants and anthocyanins, which are known to help reduce risks of heart disease and cancer. Additionally, cherries also naturally contain melatonin, an enzyme that helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythms: your heart rate and sleep cycles.

They are packed with vitamins to boost your immune system and they even help with brain health. Try the following recipes for incorporating more cherries into your diet.

1. Cherry Balsamic Parfait

cherryparfaitrecipe1Balsamic vinaigrette and fruit for a dessert or breakfast dish may seem a little strange, but this recipe for cherry balsamic summer parfait is a wonderful topping for ice cream or yogurt. It also goes great mixed into cake batter for a fruity summer cake.

Mash up some pitted cherries and simmer them into compote, add aged balsamic vinegar, and then let it cool. Stir in lemon zest and almond extract, and then add granola or chopped nuts of your choosing. Pistachios and walnuts are an excellent choice!
