There are currently two camps on treating cancer with cannabis: the hot process created by Canadian Rick Simpson some 13 years ago, and juicing raw leaves advocated by Dr. William Courtney of California. Both have had undeniable success in treating cancer, putting it into remission, and keeping serious illness at bay with the plant, heated or not.
After discovering a spider-web-like mass in my right breast in the summer of 2012, I almost immediately began ingesting raw leaves in the weeks leading to the first scheduled biopsy. This was done in conjunction with ingesting a light oil needed for sleep each night. By the time the biopsy came around, the spider web had gone, leading me to believe the raw leaf was enough to do the trick.
[contextly_sidebar id=”Oy5lrOcsPYPfebxADNt29Xt50ybX3pze”]That said, for insurance, I began ingesting Rick Simpson Oil after bartering for five more weeks with a second biopsy scheduled, and the mass completely disappeared.
My feeling is both treatments work; it’s just a matter of what is available to you, and getting the medicine into your system. The major differences being, the leaf has no psychoactive effects, with THC activated in the heated oil.
The hot oil camp is adamant that the THC is needed, with the raw leaf faction hotly debating its whole medicine theory.
In my mind, if you are fortunate enough to have access to green leaf, and are put off by the loopiness from THC, then, by all means, juice! Many seniors have turned on to juicing their medicine for arthritis pain, specifically due to the THC factors of heated medicine. If THC isn’t a bother, then the oil is your ticket to wellness.
I’ve continued to ingest one glass of green drink nearly every day since my cancer scare. I do it for preventive reasons, but also because it gives an added bonus of dealing with myriad thyroid symptoms – mainly digestive – raising my metabolism, helping me keep pounds off, and reducing fatigue.
This past year my personal physician sanctioned my going off 13 years’ worth of prescription thyroid meds, and recently added hormone replacement for menopause woes – all replaced by drinking the leaf.
Do your own research. Do what’s best for you. This is what I do, and it works for me.
Note: 707 Cannabis College in Humboldt County tested various raw leaf matter, refrigerated and frozen, and found no change in the efficacy of the medicine. I’ve found that raw leaves, unwashed, keep for several weeks in the crisper bin or freezer. However, once frozen they must be used immediately or they will turn black.
1. Remove stems. Rinse, soak, and rinse leaves again. (I soak overnight if leaves have been sprayed.)
2. Add one heaping handful of leaves to blender.
3. Add one cup of juice or water.
4. Blend to “liquefy.”
5. Strain into a container using a sieve.
6. Store juice in glass jars. Juice will keep for a few days in the fridge.
7. Freeze in ice cube trays or plastic containers, wrap in plastic and store in freezer for several weeks.
Sharon Letts began her love of gardening in Southern California. She writes about gardening and all that implies, advocating for the bud, and writing for many magazines, including DOPE. She also pens “Road Trip: In Search of Good Medicine,” touring MMJ states, following the Green Rush.
source: tokesignals, cannabisinternational, phoenixtears