Book Review: Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

Unlike other exercise manuals that place a lot of emphasis on the performance of specific circuits, Starting Strength emphasizes precise form while doing basic lifting exercises. What you do on any given day is up to you, but heeding Rippetoe’s warnings about the risks associated with improper movement will prevent you from destroying your progress with needless injuries.

About Mark Rippetoe

Mark Rippetoe has dedicated his life to the fitness industry since 1978. After graduating from Midwestern State University in 1983, he purchased the Wichita Falls Athletic Club in 1984. Certified by all of the big name organizations in weight lifting, Rippetoe was a competitive powerlifter for a decade and went on to do most of the announcing at powerlifting meets in northern Texas.

Starting Strength is the culmination of more than 30 years of professional weightlifting experience. Mark Rippetoe has always believed that each and every person interested in health and fitness should be able to properly execute basic barbell lifts. With this book, you with have access to all of Rippetoe’s knowledge without ever having meeting him in person.
