9. Promotes Heart Health
“Drinking carrot juice may protect the cardiovascular system by increasing total antioxidant status and by decreasing lipid peroxidation independent of any of the cardiovascular risk markers,” found a 2011 study (14).
In fact, eating carrots regularly can lead to a 32 % lower risk of coronary heart disease.
This was concluded thanks to a comprehensive 10-year study on 20 069 men and women aged 20–65 years (15).
Additionally, the vitamin A in carrots prevents the thickening of ventricular walls and stress-related heart damage.
On the other hand, vitamin K prevents excessive bleeding or spontaneous blood clotting and vitamin C lowers your risk of developing or dying from coronary heart disease (16).
10. Protects Eye Health
It’s true: carrots are great for eyesight. Here’s why: