7 Amazing Health Benefits of Cabbage You Won’t Soon Forget

by DailyHealthPost Editorial


Okay, it’s not really magic. But this vegetable that looks a little like a brain is good for the brain—and virtually everything else in your body. So much so that this cruciferous vegetable can contribute to your general health and healing what ails.[1]

It comes in different varieties (green, purple, savoy, bok choy) and can be eaten in many delicious ways. Popular in Asian and Eastern European cuisine, there are good reasons to add some leaves to your daily diet.

Cabbage has many nutrients that your body needs: vitamins C, E, and K; sulphur; beta-carotene; potassium; magnesium; and calcium. This, in addition to its intrinsic fiber, are all valuable components for your body.

Cabbage contains more vitamin C than an orange. This water-soluble vitamin isn’t stored in your body so must be regularly replenished to maintain balance. C is an efficient antioxidant that is crucial for healing and fighting disease. Affecting the immune and  nervous systems, the vitamin C in cabbage can reduce the progression of degenerative disease like Alzheimer’s and cancer.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

One of the components of cabbage is glutamine, the most common amino acid, which the body stores in muscle and the lungs.[2] Glutamine is an anti-inflammatory; eating food rich in glutamine can reduce the effects of allergies, joint pain, muscle aches, fever, and skin disorders.  New mothers know about using cabbage leaves to soothe breast pain after childbirth.

2. Blood Pressure

The potassium in cabbage keeps blood vessels open and flowing, maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

3. Bone health

The minerals abundant in cabbage are essential for bone strength and the prevention of osteoporosis and similar degenerative bone conditions.

4. Brain Function

Vitamin K protects from nerve damage and promotes brain health.[3]  It is necessary for blood coagulation and the creation of certain proteins in the body. By protecting the nerves, K prevents the effects of degeneration, like dementia.

Anthocyanins are what make red cabbage red (and red grapes which are used to make red wine, another source of anthocyanins). This is a rich antioxidant that has been found to reduce the risk of cancers and support the brain and entire nervous system.
