6-Year-Old Boy Receives Real Captain America Shield After Saving His Sister from Dog Attack

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

As a superhero and leader of the Avengers, actor Chris Evans recognizes a real-life superhero when he sees one.

6-year-old Bridger Walker has gotten himself a lot of social medial praise after saving his little sister’s life from a violent dog attack. As Bridger’s aunt, Nicole Noel Walker explained on Instagram, the young boy came to his sister’s rescue by “standing between her and a charging dog.” The dog attacked the boy and bit him severely all over his face and head. Somehow, Bridger kept his cool, grabbed his sister by the arm and the two kids ran to safety.

Later, at the hospital, Bridger had to receive ~90 stitches on his head before he was discharged to recover at home. When the boy’s family asked him how he found the guts to do this, his reply was that “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.”

And even though all that is a happy ending in and of itself, the story doesn’t end here. After Walker posted Bridger’s story on Instagram it started getting the attention it deserved. ComicBook.com’s Brandon Davis also helped bring attention to the post and ended up coordinating a video response to Bridger by none other than Captain America himself, Chris Evans.

In the minute-and-a-half video, Evans told Bridger “Pal, you’re a hero, what you did was so brave, so selfless — your sister is so lucky to have you as a big brother. Your parents must be so proud of you,”

He also added that he’d send Bridger “an authentic Captain America shield because pal, you deserve it.”

The boy was also on video as he watched the actor’s praise and, fittingly, was wearing a Captain America’s outfit himself with his little sister right by his side. The scars on his face were still visible despite the several days he’d been home and despite the Captain America mask pulled over his face. Evans didn’t forget to give him encouragement that the recovery will eventually pass and he’ll be all right again.

“Keep being the man you are, we need people like you,” Evans said. “Hang in there, I know recovery might be tough, but based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think there’s much that can slow you down.”

Bridger’s aunt reached out to more Hollywood superheroes too. In her original post she mentioned by name actors such as Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Vin Dissel, Chardwick Boseman, Chris Pratt, Mark Ruffalo, and others. Many of them also replied and sent praise to the little superhero.


Mark Ruffalo responded, praising Bridger Walker as “more of man than many, many I have seen or known.”

Other celebrities to also comment included The Flash stars Grant Gustin and Robbie Amell, as well as Captain Marvel star Brie Larson. 

The whole story is indeed wholesome and heartwarming. Many Hollywood actors, particularly those that play popular superhero roles, have long used their inspiring alter-egos to visit hospitals and uplift the patients there.

  • We’ve seen Chris Pratt visiting kids’ hospital as Star Lord.
  • Hunger Games’ star Jennifer Lawrence visited kids on Christmas Eve.
  • Johnny Depp is well-known for always having his Jack Sparrow outfit in his car to frequently drop by children’s hospitals unannounced to lift their spirits.

Love them or hate them, Hollywood superheroes do know how to bring a bit of happiness in a kid’s life.
