5 Surprising Reasons Why Having a Cat is Good For Your Health

by DailyHealthPost Editorial


Who doesn’t love having a pet in their lives?

Whether it’s a dog or a cat, having someone around to share your life can make living a whole lot more enjoyable.

You have someone to talk to, someone to play with, and someone who needs you to take care of them.

But did you know that having pets is excellent for your health? Cats, in particular, offer a wide range of health benefits to their owners, including:

1. They Promote Healing

When you hear the sound of a cat purring, you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, just like they do. But according to Leslie A. Lyons, an assistant professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, cats can actually speed up healing.

See, cats purr at a specific frequency–somewhere in the 25 to 150 Hertz range. This range of frequencies has been proven to promote healing and may also help to increase bone density as well. If you are recovering from a surgery or an injury, having a cat on your lap is one of the best forms of therapy! The sound of their purr can help you heal all the way to your bones.

2. They Help Control Blood Pressure

According to WebMD, cats (and dogs, of course) are excellent to help you reduce the stress in your life and control your blood pressure.

In one study, 240 married couples were examined. Of the participants, the pet owners not only had lower blood pressure, but their resting heart rates were lower as well. Their heart rates remained lower even when they were subjected to stress tests.

Giving your pet affection has been proven to help lower blood pressure as well, so it’s a good idea to spend time stroking your cat.
