5 Surprising Reasons to Take Cold Showers

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

cold shower

Showering under hot water is a complete luxury and not at all necessary for good health. Whereas cold showers on the other hand, if taken regularly, can offer you many incredible benefits for great health. Read on to learn some facts about how showering in cold water may improve your health!

1. Burn White Fat by Cold Showering

Brown fat is the good and very necessary type of fat we need to help generate heat and keep us warm when things get cold outside.

When someone is overweight, or carrying excess weight around their waist, lower back, neck and thighs for instance, then this means they have too much of the white fat – the unhealthy type of fat that is much harder to shift.

But good old Scandinavian researchers found that exposure to cold temperatures actually helped to increase the metabolic rate of brown fat by as much as fifteen times and this translates to potentially helping a person lose nine pounds a year if sustained[1].

Maybe this is the secret behind Scandinavians having long had one of the lowest obesity rates in Europe.

2. Improve Exercise Recovery by Taking a Cold Bath

Race Recovery 9 : The Ice Bath

Exercising on a regular basis, especially high impact training, can take its toll on the body and cause you to ache for days afterwards.

But you don’t have to feel all that post-exercise stiffness any longer if you simply modify what a lot of athletes do after their workout which is going for an ice bath, and changing that to a quick cold shower.

It really could help you feel more supple a lot quicker for just a few minutes of cold water hitting your skin.

3. Wake Up Easier With a Cold Shower

How many times do you have to hit that snooze button in the morning?


If you find the honest answer is far too many, then by taking a cold shower first thing you could help become alert and less groggy much quicker.

The way a cold shower helps to wake you up is as the cold water shocks yours body, you are forced to breath deeper, which has two advantages – one is this increases vital overall oxygen intake causing you to be more mentally sharp, and two your heart rate will also increase and this causes improved blood flow throughout all your vital organs, helping to be more energized.

4. Improve Immunity and Circulation by Cold Showering

We covered earlier that by cold showering you help to speed up your metabolic rate, which as a result causes you to shed excess fat.

Well, it is by this same action that you help to activate your immune system into release bacteria and virus fighting leukocytes (white blood cells) that can help take care of anything trying to invade you, and help reduce your sickness rate.

Also when you cold shower you help to improve your overall blood circulate which can help to prevent high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.

5. Improve Hair and Skin Health by Cold Showering

Struggling to manage your acne? Dry hair getting you down? Well by switching to cold water showers these problems could be a thing of the past.

The problem with taking showers in hot water is that they dry out your skin and hair.

Whereas cold water has the opposite effect and will help to actually seal the pores in your face and hair.

This sealing action can help to prevent both getting clogged and will help to leave your skin and hair looking more attractive as a result of better care.


When You are Ready to Switch to Cold Showering

If you are feeling confident that you can handle some cold water showering, and do not have a preexisting heart condition, then the best way to make the most of your first experience is to have a regular shower and at the end switch to 1 minute of cold water.

When you are used to this, you can then up the ante by alternating every 30 seconds from hot to cold water right from the moment you step in the shower.

Studies have even shown that people with depression can benefit from cold showering[2], so the benefits of cold showering seem endless!

TEDxLUC – How Cold Showers Can Change Your Life

Cold Shower Therapy: Joel Runyon at TEDxLUC

Cold Shower Therapy Stories/Experiences

Here are a few stories & experiences from people who’ve done the cold shower therapy.
