Major Signs You Are Magnesium Deficient (and What To Do About It!)

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

magnesium deficiency

In today’s modern diet, most Americans don’t get much magnesium from the foods they eat. Like other vitamins and minerals, if you don’t get enough, you’re likely to suffer from certain symptoms.

Magnesium is essentially very important for brain biochemistry, heart and muscle function, calcium absorption, and other metabolic related mechanisms in the body.

Once you have a deficiency, you’ll need a lot more than the recommended daily amount in order to make up for the deficit. Deficiencies don’t just erase themselves on their own!


Here are four symptoms / health conditions that are signs that may indicate a current lack of magnesium in your diet.

1. Hearing Loss and Tinnitus (ringing of the ears)

In one study of 90 guinea pigs exposed to a loud noise, Chinese scientists found that magnesium inhibits free radical formation that is related to hearing damage in the cochlea.

This tells us that magnesium may be very important to those of us who work in jobs where loud noises are common, such as those who work at airports, rock concerts, and jobs with loud industrial equipment.

Besides the risk of hearing loss, ringing in the ears can also occur. Imagine having to listen to a constant ringing sound all day long without being able to stop it.

Fortunately, scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona found that a supplement of 532 mg magnesium given to 26 patients with ringing in the ears (tinnitus) for three months showed a significant decrease in the severity of their condition.
