10 Most Common Types of Eating Disorders. #7 Involves Eating Sand and Dirt!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

different types of eating disorders

types of eating disordersAn eating disorder is something that can happen to anybody. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, up to 24 million people of all ages and gender suffer from an eating disorder. [1] Medically, an eating disorder is defined as any pattern of abnormal eating which can become detrimental to the body.

1. Anorexia Nervosa: Avoiding Meals

Anorexia is a complex eating disorder which has three key components. A person refuses to maintain a normal body weight, has a distorted image of their body and suffers from an intense fear of gaining weight. Anorexics will often restrict food intake, skip meals, develop inappropriate eating habits and obsess over being thin.

types of eating disorders

2. Bulimia Nervosa: Purging

Bulimia nervosa is another serious eating disorder and in certain cases, it can become life-threatening. With bulimia, a person will have frequent episodes of binge eating and it is followed by purging through vomiting or taking laxatives in order to prevent weight gain.

3. Binge Eating Disorder: Eating Copious Amounts of Food in One Sitting

According to the Mayo Clinic, a binge eating disorder in one in which a person frequently consumes unusually large amounts of food.[2]

Most people will overeat sometimes, but for someone with a binge eating disorder, it happens on a regular basis and it is usually something done privately. People with binge eating disorder often suffer from deep embarrassment and may want to stop, but cannot help themselves when it comes to resisting the compulsion.

4. Anorexia Athletica: Exercise Obsession

The American Council on Exercise, reports that anorexia athletica was first labeled by Dr. William Glaser in 1976. [3] Those with anorexia athletica are obsessed with calorie counting and may appear to be fanatical about their overall health. People who have this disorder will sometimes restrict caloric intake, observe a strict diet and will exercise to the point of exhaustion, in order to burn off the calories from a meal.

5. Night Eating Syndrome: Eating Large Amounts of Food After Dinner

The Academy of Women’s Health has classified night eating syndrome, as a condition which affects approximately 1.5 -5% of the population in the United States. [4] With night eating syndrome, a person will consume about a quarter of their calories after dinner.

A person will sometimes wake up during the night and feel as if they do not eat, they will not be able to go back to sleep. People with night eating syndrome can sometimes suffer from obesity, depression, insomnia and anxiety.
