What’s Better 3 or 6 Meals Per Day?

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

Plenty of self-proclaimed nutrition gurus argue that frequent small meals spread throughout the day are more beneficial metabolic boosters than a standard three meal diet plan.

These “experts” claim that more frequent meals keep your body satisfied and prevent possible overeating by avoiding low blood glucose levels that can make you hungry. There is little scientific evidence to support this argument.

In reality, research indicates that the number of meals you eat in a day has no impact on your metabolic rate.

Eating more frequently  does not help your body burn more calories.

Let’s take a look at what scientific trends point to this fact and why you should worry about the total number of calories you consume and food quality before meal frequency.

Regular Meals  vs. The Number of Meals

The argument for more frequent meals seems logical on the surface. Some research points to the fact that regular meal patterns can have a positive effect on thermogenesis—your body’s heat production—and your insulin profile.

A 2005 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determined that regular eating has these beneficial effects in obese women.
