12 Common Health Foods You Should Eat More Often

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

Here are 12 foods that, pound for pound, offer more benefits than most other foods on the planet.

These foods make it onto most top healthy food lists across the internet.

1. Spinach

Much has been written about the virtues of spinach, and rightly so. It’s one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. It’s also readily available at most local supermarkets, and reasonably priced.

You can get it fresh in the produce section, or you can buy it frozen in leaf form, and also canned in the canned veggies aisle. The main concern is getting more of it into your system so you can reap all of the positive benefits.


Right away spinach is going to go to work for you, providing you with energy, and helping you to fill your stomach without adding a lot of calories to your daily intake. When you factor in the phytonutrients working as antioxidants you’re doing yourself a huge favor with the battle against free radical damage.

Not to mention you’re helping to nourish your body on a cellular level, providing increased energy, and it aids any weight loss efforts.
