Courageous Teenager Gives CPR After an 11-Month-Old Baby Stopped Breathing And Saves The Day

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

teen saves baby

A quick thinking and whip-smart high school student named Abby Snodgrass never thought she’d be using her newly-acquired CPR skills so soon after learning them.

Abby was in Wal-Mart when she overheard a commotion several aisles over. An infant baby had stopped breathing.

The manager had made a 911 call to emergency services but that still meant that minutes on the clock would be ticking by while a tiny baby wasn’t breathing.

Abby immediately jumped into action.

Caught on this video footage you can see Abby rushing to the baby. When interviewed later on Fox News, Abby said she had to push her fears out of the way and keep trying CPR no matter what.

Luckily for the baby and its mother, Abby was able to resuscitate the infant and save its life.

Teen Uses CPR Skills to Save Baby's Life at Walmart Store
