4 Surprising Signs of Heart Disease Most People Ignore

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

There is a good reason that heart disease is often referred to as a “silent killer.” According to Harvard Medical School, nearly half of all heart attacks are misdiagnosed as less serious issues. In addition to the obvious signs of heart disease—such as chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and nausea—there are more subtle signs to look for. Being aware of these unexpected signs may save your life, so keep reading.

1.Radiating Jaw and Neck Pain

Discomfort associated with heart conditions is not limited to chest pain. It is possible to experience jaw and neck discomfort as a result of heart issues such as heart disease or heart attack. Pain that radiates to the jaw and neck from the chest could be a sign of an irregular heartbeat or heart disease.

Heart attack symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, and sweating, though jaw or neck pain may be signs of heart problems if they worsen when you are active and cease when you rest. It’s important to seek medical attention if you experience jaw or neck pain.

2.Sexual Problems

Clinical research has demonstrated that heart disease can have a detrimental effect on sex lives, including both men and women.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) may be an early indicator of arterial damage and heart disease for men. It is caused by hardening of the arteries or endothelial dysfunction, in which the blood vessels are unable to expand and contract properly. Arterial injury and heart disease are connected with the reduced blood flow to the penis and endothelial dysfunction.

Eighty-seven percent of women with heart failure were reported to have a high degree of sexual dysfunction, including vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse, and low libido in a 2007 study. Endothelial dysfunction is the reason behind all of these symptoms, and it may lead to circulatory problems, plaque buildup in the arteries, blockages, and heart attacks.

3.Calf Cramping

If you experience leg pain or discomfort while walking, it might be a sign of heart issues. Calf cramping, aching, or numbness while walking could be due to peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD is a condition in which the blood vessels supplying your organs and limbs become obstructed, resulting in lower blood flow.

Other PAD symptoms include leg ulcers, poor hair growth, and skin colour changes. This is a common condition that causes calf pain while exercising and relief while resting. Atherosclerosis (a buildup of plaque in the arteries) can disrupt blood flow to the legs, leading to heart attack or stroke. PAD can be caused by atherosclerosis.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly half of Americans have atherosclerosis and do not know it. If you experience calf cramping, pain, numbness, or discomfort while walking, talk with your doctor about whether it may indicate heart problems.


4.Bad Breath

What is the connection between bad breath and heart disease? Gum disease is the connection. Gum disease might be connected to a number of heart problems, including hardening of the arteries, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes, according to Dentistry IQ.

People with gum disease are twice as likely to develop heart issues such as heart attacks and strokes. Bacteria accumulate on the tongue, teeth, and gums, leading to bad breath.

According to the AARP, this bacteria may enter the bloodstream through bleeding or diseased gums, which are associated with clogged arteries and strokes. As a result, bacteria entering the bloodstream may also cause high blood vessel inflammation, which may increase your risk of heart disease.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of your gums that can cause tooth loss and pain. It’s caused by bacteria from plaque buildup in the spaces between your teeth. Plaque is composed of bacteria, food particles, and other substances that can build up over time if you don’t brush and floss regularly.

When gum disease starts, the bacteria that live in your mouth spread to the areas around your mouth and start to multiply. This causes an inflammation on the surface of your gums. When this happens, the gums become red, swollen, and painful.

After this happens, the bacteria begin to break down tissue around your teeth. This can cause tooth decay or even damage to bone surrounding your teeth. This can result in loose teeth and a bad experience with eating and drinking.

Talk to your physician if you’re concerned about your heart health. They can assess your symptoms and determine the optimal course of care for you.
