This Is Why You Absolutely Must Ditch Your Non-Stick Cookware This Year

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

non-stick cookware

2. Stainless Steel

If you often boil and steam food, it may be best for you to cook with stainless steel.

Although lighter pots and pans may take longer to heat up, heavier cookware conducts heat quite well.

The material also doesn’t absorb the flavor and scent of food, making it ideal for families who like to get creative in the kitchen.

The only downside of stainless is that food can quickly burn if the heat gets too high or the pan gets too dry. Then, the pan can be difficult to scrub clean.

3. Ceramic

Ceramic makes for a more attractive and Eco-friendly kitchen material. Most ceramic cookware can be used on the stove and in the oven and can even be cleaned in the dishwasher.

However, it’s important to purchase high-quality safety-tested ceramic, as some more inexpensive options can be contaminated with lead and other toxic chemicals.

4. Anodized Aluminum Cookware

Traditional aluminum cookware can leach into foods through high temperature cooking, scratches and dents on the material’s surface and contact with acidic foods. Overtime, exposure to aluminum can cause Alzheimer’s and breast cancer.

However, anodized aluminum cookware is covered in a layer of aluminum oxide, making it scratch-resistant and easy to clean as well as dramatically reducing its leeching tendencies (3).

If you’re looking for a non-stick option for infrequent use, this material may be best for you.


5. Glass

Glass is the safest, completely non-toxic and most versatile product to use in cookware. It’s often used in anything from food storage containers to skillets, baking pans and casserole dishes.

The only downside to glass is that it’s temperature sensitive, so placing a hot glass container on a cold metal surface, like a sink or stove range will cause it to shatter.
