8 Aches and Pains That May be Indicative of a Serious Health Problem

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

body pain and aches

From time to time, it is completely normal to experience an ache or pain and you should not let it make you paranoid.

There are, however, certain sharp aches and pains, fevers, and headaches which can come on quite quickly and may be indicative of a serious health problem.

The following conditions are examples of pain that aren’t ordinary and should not be ignored.

1. Persistent Tooth Nerve Pain

The main cause for tooth pain is an exposed nerve and it is most often the result of damaged, cracked, or decaying enamel.

A person puts overall health at great risk when ignoring tooth pain because it can lead to broken teeth, chewing problems, tooth abscesses, pus formation, tooth loss, severe pain, and life-threatening infections.[2]

2. Burning in the Feet or Legs

Pain in the legs or feet that comes on quickly and does not resolve within a matter of minutes is a condition that needs to be seen by a physician immediately. Some potential causes for feet and leg pain are:

  • Blood vessel distress: pain that occurs while walking could be the result of claudication, or a decreased blood supply to the area. This condition is most often a symptom of peripheral arterial disease or PAD, which is a narrowing of the arteries that deliver blood to and from the legs. Smoking, obesity, high cholesterol, and hypertension are all major risk factors associated with PAD.
  • Peripheral neuropathy: Sometimes pain in the leg or foot is caused by neuropathy–a disorder of the peripheral motor, autonomic, and sensory nerves of the spinal cord. The symptoms of neuropathy include tingling, numbness, and a heavy sensation that usually start in the feet and might cause burning in the legs.
  • Electrolyte imbalance: in order for muscles to be healthy, the nerves must be supported by the proper balance of electrolytes in the body. An imbalance in electrolyte levels can cause muscle cramps, aches, and pain.
  • Back problems: conditions that affect the spine and back can also lead to leg pain. Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal gradually narrows and causes pressure and pain on the spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis can be caused by scoliosis, arthritis, or a spinal injury.
  • Cauda equina syndrome: if leg pains cause a loss of bowel or bladder control or numbness near the vagina or anus, it is important to seek immediate medical care. Cauda equina syndrome is a rare disorder that affects the nerves located at the end of the spine. Without immediate medical treatment, the spinal cord can shut down, causing permanent paralysis.[3]

3. Heart Attack Pain

Most people think symptoms of a heart attack always include chest pain and pressure; the most common heart attack symptom is pain or discomfort in the chest.

A heart attack can also bring on shortness of breath; nausea; vomiting; extreme fatigue (sometimes it can last for days); and pain in the back, shoulders, and jaw.
