Is Subway Just as Unhealthy as McDonald’s?

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

The Institute of Medicine recommends that students consume no more than 850 calories in school lunches. (

While total calories were slightly lower at Subway, the average calories per sandwich purchased and sodium content were both higher at Subway.

The Subway sandwiches contained an average of 784 calories, versus 572 at McDonald’s.

The sodium content at both restaurants was three times higher than the IOM recommended daily dose: 2,149 mg at Subway versus 1,829 mg at McDonald’s.

While the results may surprise the average consumer, they did not catch nutritionist Lisa R. Young off guard.

At fast food restaurants commonly thought to be healthier, Young says customers may even eat worse than they would at a chain thought to be less healthy – a phenomenon known as the “health halo.”

Because diners assume they’re eating healthier overall, they may not pay close enough attention to the nutritional content of what they’re ordering. And at the end of the day, Subway and McDonald’s are still fast food.

“I do not recommend fast food if you want to eat healthy,” says Young, author of The Portion Teller’s Diet. “With a few exceptions, fast food is still fast food — high in fat and calories.”

Does it surprise you that Subway is just as unhealthy as McDonald’s?
