She Came Up With an Ingenious Way To Cut Watermelon…You’ll Want To Try This For Yourself!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

cut watermelon

she-came-up-with-an-ingenious-way-to-cut-watermelonThere are no right or wrong ways to cut a watermelon.

But there are techniques to make the process more efficient.

In the video below, you’ll learn how to cut watermelon so that it fits a bowl.

Why a bowl? Because it’s convenient.

You can use it for parties or for storing in the fridge for a quick snack.

How To Cut Watermelon

  1. Start by cutting the watermelon in half, and make a tiny incision through the rind and around the center.
  2. Flip the watermelon on its flesh.
  3. Remove the peel. (You can remove the white rind afterward.)
  4. Cut your watermelon into small slices, turn the cutting board 90-degrees, and repeat this process but this time, in the opposite direction.
  5. Place a big bowl over it and flip the cutting board.

And you’re done! It’s that simple!

How To Cut Watermelon - A simple yet brilliant technique

