Fruit is great, but can you freeze it? What about veggies? Or meat? The answer may surprise you, but it doesn’t have to be a mystery.
The US Center For Disease Control estimates that each year approximately 1 in 6 Americans get sick from food-borne diseases(1). Surely some of those diseases are caused by the improper freezing of certain foods. With 120,000 of those people hospitalized per year, the onus is on us to be aware of safe kitchen procedures, in order to get those numbers down.
An Easy Guide
Here’s a quick guide to what foods you can and can’t preserve by freezing., a company that manufactures freezer labels, has produced a series of simple and attractive guides to what foods can and can’t be easily frozen(2). Keep a copy of these and use them at your convenience – it could spare you the unnecessary cost of wasting food, or worse, eating food that hasn’t been properly preserved.