The Most Effective Natural Way To Destroy 100 Gallstones In 1 Day

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

gallstone remedy

the-most-effective-natural-way-to-destroy-100-gallstones-in-1-dayIf you have ever had gallbladder pain, it is not something you can easily forget.

The pain typically radiates from the middle or upper right section of your abdomen and can last from a few minutes to a few hours.It can come on suddenly and be intense.

If you are lucky, it may dissipate, but in many cases, it can return with a vengeance.

Some people also experience pain in their back, usually between their shoulder blades or in the right shoulder area.

A gallbladder attack also comes with mild or intense nausea, vomiting, sweating, fever, and chills.

In some cases, your urine may even become dark yellow or brown, while your stools can be a dull greyish color.

Anatomy Of A Gallstone

While the pain and other symptoms of a gallbladder attack can feel enormous, the cause is typically quite small—sometimes as small as a grain of sand. Gallstones, the most common reason for gallbladder pain, occur in both your gallbladder and liver.

These are hard, solid stones that can range in color from dark green, off-white, and red. They are made out of various elements found in the bile that is produced in your liver, including bile salts, bilirubin, and cholesterol.

For the most part, gallstones range in size and even number; some people have multiple smaller gallstones that measure around 0.5 cm, while other people can have one very large stone (up to 5 cm) or even hundreds of smaller stones that are similar in size to sand granules (1).


Regardless of the size, color, type or number, these stones can ultimately wreak havoc on your body if they start to overwhelm your gallbladder.

What Does Your Gallbladder Do?

Your gallbladder is a small organ that resembles a pouch of sorts. It lies just under your liver and stores bile, a digestive juice produced by your liver. Prior to eating, your gallbladder will typically be full of bile, expanding to the size of a small pear. After you eat, however, as bile is excreted to help you digest fats, your gallbladder will deflate and flatten out, much like a balloon as it loses air.

While your gallbladder does store and release bile when needed, conventional medicine claims it is not actually a vital organ. Doctors state that countless people have had their gallbladders removed, an operation known as a cholecystectomy, and go on to live normal, healthy lives (2).

They do also claim, however, that there may be a small risk of diarrhea, or possibly an issue with fat absorption after the surgery. But other than that, doctors have been removing gallbladders since around 1733—although the method wasn’t truly viable until about 1878 (3).

Since then, there have been numerous advancements and modifications in biliary surgery. By the 1990s, the treatment of choice for gallstones was a less invasive laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which is still used today (4).

Prevalence of Gallbladder Disease

According to a 2002 study published in the Annals of Surgery, gallstones affect more than 30,000,000 Americans a year (about 12 percent of the population) and result in more than 750,000 cholecystectomies (5). A 2012 study shows that this number is rising slightly, to about 15 percent of the population (6).

Other reports concur, showing that the prevalence of gallbladder disease is rising in industrialized countries such as Europe and America, most likely due to changes in lifestyle, more specifically, poor diet and lack of exercise (7).

While it’s possible to have gallstones and not experience symptoms, often stones can cause your gallbladder to become extremely inflamed, which, of course, results in pain and can also lead to infection, since stones are highly permeable and can thus absorb bacteria, parasites, and other organisms as they pass through the liver channel. This can lead to a whole host of other serious complications (8).

Conventional medicine typically treats gallbladder disease by removing the organ entirely.


Why You Need Your Gallbladder

Despite the fact that conventional medicine says you can live without a gallbladder, there is growing evidence that shows removing the organ can result in a variety of issues.

For starters, once bile acids are formed from the cholesterol in your liver, they flow into your gallbladder where they are stored and concentrated by as much as five times (9).

Normally, once your body senses the movement of fat into your small intestine, it signals for your gallbladder to release the bile to emulsify this fat so it is easier for your body to absorb. As such, a healthy gallbladder will release the necessary amount of bile into your digestive tract as needed.

This process was designed to not only allow your body to effectively emulsify fat, but to help you absorb vital fat-absorbable nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K, which pass through the intestinal lining in order to enter your bloodstream where they are used for a variety of processes.

If you no longer have a gallbladder, your body releases a continuous trickle of bile into your digestive tract, even when there is no fat to digest. What researchers now know is that when the body is not properly releasing bile as designed, it can ultimately jeopardize your ability to also properly digest fat.

This can then lead to significant “deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids, poor cholesterol metabolism, and the absorption of improperly digested fat globules.” (10)

The bottom line is that you want to save your gallbladder whenever possible by safely and effectively removing stones. And now there is an all-natural way to treat gallstones.

How To Remove Gallstones Naturally

The following gallstone remedy and treatment instructions can actually help to remove gallstones in just one day. Make your gallstone remedy on a day when you have no other obligations and can simply relax at home. Eat only low-fat foods for breakfast and lunch on the day of the treatment, and don’t take any supplements the day before.

Easy Gallstone Remedy


  • 3 grapefruits: 1 large and 2 small
  • ½ cup cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 teaspoons Epsom salt (unrefined)


Eat your breakfast and lunch as usual, avoiding any high-fat foods. Do not eat anything after 2 pm.

At 2pm:

  • Mix 4 teaspoons of Epsom salt with 3 glasses of fresh filtered water, and pour the mixture into a suitable container. Store it in the fridge. You will get 4 doses out of this mixture.

At 6pm:

  • Drink the first dose, or the first ¼ of the mixture.

At 8pm:

  • Drink the second ¼ of the mixture.

At 9:45pm:

  • Squeeze the grapefruits into a cup with a lid and mix the juice with ½ cup olive oil. Place the lid on the mixture and shake until it is the consistency of a smoothie.

At 10 pm:

  • Drink the grapefruit mixture and lie flat on the back for 20 minutes without moving. The gallstones will start to easily flow out of your liver and gallbladder through the various channels. Go to sleep.

Morning (not before 6 am):

  • As soon as you wake up, drink the third quarter of the Epson salt and water mixture. Within the next two hours, drink the remaining quarter of the mixture.

That’s it. While you may experience some diarrhea the following day, you will have successfully removed any gallstones without having to get your gallbladder removed.


If after a few days following this gallstone remedy, you continue to experience gallbladder pain, consult your doctor to make sure it is not something serious.
