Top 10 Foods That Reverse Fatty Liver

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

3. Healthy, Anti-inflammatory Fats

Again, it might sound counter-intuitive to load on fats when suffering from a fat buildup in one of our most important internal organs, but in a moment, you’ll find out why that is the right move.

Now, we’re not talking about just any fats.

To be more specific, we’re talking about foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, and trout, but also walnuts, flaxseed and chia seeds.

Everyone knows that omega-3s are absolute heavyweight champions when it comes to promoting our health in myriad ways, so it comes as no surprise that they greatly benefit our liver, as well.

Studies[11] show that supplementing with long-chain omega-3s leads to a decrease in liver inflammation and fat buildup[12]. More extensive clinical studies are needed to determine the exact daily dosage of omega-3s needed for our liver health.

Speaking of good fats, monounsaturated fats, too, play a role in liver health.

How exactly does this work?

These fats contain a compound called glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant with strong detoxifying properties that reduces the cell damage in liver [13].

How can we get more monounsaturated fats in our diet?

Luckily, they’re widely available in the form of olive, canola, peanut and sesame oil, as well as avocados, and nuts — like pecans, almonds, and walnuts.

And lastly, you can consume more medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs, available in coconut oil or as a stand-alone oil.


2. Oatmeal

Starting your day with a hearty portion of oatmeal may be just the thing you need for your liver health.

On top being tasty and nutritious, oatmeal is high in fibers — a very special group of fibers to be more precise, called beta-glucans.

What’s so special about beta-glucans?

They’re extremely useful in fighting inflammation and could potentially be utilized to combat obesity. [14]

More clinical studies on humans are needed, but it seems that beta-glucans can also help lower the fat amount in the liver.

So, feel free to tuck in a big bowl of oatmeal — just make sure to stay away from the processed and pre-packaged kind.

For best results, why don’t you try pairing it with other liver-friendly foods, like probiotic yogurt, avocados, and a handful of chopped nuts?

Kicking off your day with this kind of breakfast will not only provide you with plenty of energy, but boosts your liver health as well.

1. Coffee

That dandelion root tea doesn’t sound all that appealing to you?

No problem.

Every coffee lover will be thrilled to learn that their beloved cup of Joe is one of the most health-promoting foods that exist.


Research has shown that regular coffee drinkers [15] are not only at less risk of developing non-alcoholic liver disease, but they also get benefits from enjoying their cup of coffee even if they’re already experiencing liver issues.

But the benefits of drinking coffee don’t stop there — they extend to reducing the risk for hepatic fibrosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis [16], as well as liver cancer.

Many people don’t realize this, but adding coffee to the diets of people suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can help reverse this condition.

How does this work?

Coffee increases the level of the hormone Zonulin, which decreases gut permeability.

Higher gut permeability is believed to be a contributing factor to liver injury and worsening the symptoms of fatty liver. Now we have a science-backed reason to indulge in a steaming cup of java!

And that’s it! The top 10 foods that reverse fatty liver disease.

On top of these top 10 foods we’ve mentioned, keep in mind that a well-balanced diet is just about the best thing you can do for your liver.

What does it mean? No need to reinvent the wheel here.

Stick to plenty of fruits and veggies (especially the leafy greens), don’t skip on garlic and onions (as they are natural liver cleansers and detoxifiers), and include beans, peas and lean animal protein like chicken (choose free-range) and fish (avoid farm-raised if possible).

If you get one thing from this video, it’s this: getting to, and keeping healthy weight is crucial when it comes to combating fatty liver disease.

One study[17] shows that losing 10% of your total body weight can improve liver enzymes and decrease inflammation caused by the extra fat.


When it comes to reducing obesity, our diet is the key — so by following advice from this video you’ll be well on the way to not only a healthy liver, but also great overall health.

Pair your diet with exercise[18], as it is a proven method of improving the fatty liver condition by improving insulin resistance and preventing cellular damage.

Whatever the form of exercise you choose, make sure that you enjoy it and is sustainable long term.

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And now, over to you:

Which of these top 10 foods for reversing fatty liver will you eat more or add to your diet?

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