Top 11 Reasons Why Your Metabolism Isn’t Working at 100%

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

boost metabolism

7. Enzymes

Enzymes are involved in all metabolic processes.

These protein compounds work as catalysts to break down foods into nutrients that can then be assimilated or converted into energy.

They also work systematically as mediators and catalysts to other hormonal, glandular and sexual functions.


In the presence of adequate and balanced nutrition, the body produces its own enzymes. However, enzyme deficiencies often occur, most often as a result of too much processed and cooked food and too little live, raw food present in the diet.

Some enzyme deficiencies are also related to aging. The older you get, the fewer enzymes your body produces. Conversely, there is some evidence that supporting your body with enzymes may actually help slow the aging process.

In the blood, enzymes work as antioxidants and also as anti-inflammatory agents. Some believe that protease enzymes (enzymes that digest protein) have anti-cancerous properties. Studies show that lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fat) may help accelerate fat burning.

There is a rule of nature that raw foods contain all enzymes necessary for their own digestion. Therefore, natural sources of the fat-burning enzyme lipase can be found in high-fat raw foods such as avocados, nuts and seeds. Those who want to maximize their enzyme intake can also take plant-enzyme supplements.

high enzyme foods