These Are The Most Dangerous & Heavily Promoted Prescription Drugs: Here Are Natural Alternatives

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

common prescription drugs

So, we blindly take them and teach our children that taking prescription medications is simply part of life. And this attitude has definitely trickled down to our kids.

A recent survey shows that over half of all teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs. An amazing 60 to 70 percent even say that home medicine cabinets are their source of drugs (5).

What we are not told, however, is that big pharmaceutical companies are literally making billions of dollars on your back (and every other part of your body for that matter), and they care little about the outrageous side effects and devastating repercussions their drugs have on you or your family.

It all comes down to the bottom line for these companies, which are part of what some call an unholy trinity that includes the AMA (American Medical Association) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This trio is often likened to a “Medical Mafia.” (6)

Big Pharma’s Plan for Profits

While there are definitely some off-the-wall conspiracy theories out there, what big pharmaceutical companies are doing to North Americans is very real. In order to keep their pockets lined and their shareholders happy, big pharma will make sure you continue to need their drugs, which include an endless array of supposedly necessary vaccines.

It becomes an endless circle of sickness with big pharma in the middle. Every medication you are prescribed for an illness comes with a slew of side effects that eventually result in more illnesses, for which your doctor prescribes more medications.

Luckily, many European countries are a little more savvy when it comes to the dangers of prescription medications. In fact, more Europeans opt for natural alternatives than North Americans.

And in India, according to an A.C. Nielsen survey, “62 percent of current homeopathy users have never tried conventional medicines and 82 percent of homeopathy users would not switch to conventional treatments.” (7)
