8 Health and Beauty Uses for Epsom Salt

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

epsom salts

5. Facial Mask and Spa

Talk about an inexpensive way to indulge your skin! Give yourself a deep-pore cleansing facial by adding ½ a teaspoon of Epsom salt into your regular cleansing cream and then massaging it into your skin as usual. Simply rinse your face with cool water afterwards and then dry it with a clean towel.

After your shower, while your skin is still wet, exfoliate it by massaging Epsom salts over your body. It may sound odd, but magnesium sulfate is a great exfoliator, and your skin will feel revitalized!

6. Splinters and Stingers

Why not reduce the pain and swelling associated with splinters and stingers while at the same time effortlessly removing the foreign object? Make an Epsom salt paste by chilling a mixture of Epsom salt (1 teaspoon) and hot water (1 cup) in the refrigerator. After about 20 minutes, remove the paste and apply it to the affected area. The magnesium sulfate should naturally draw out the splinter or stinger while relieving the associated ache and swelling.

7. Make Bath Crystals

If soaking in Epsom salt doesn’t sound appealing to you, consider combining a few drops of food coloring (or ½ tsp. glycerin) with a few drops of your favorite fragrance, and 2 cups of Epsom salts. Store the mixture in an air-tight container for future baths, or give it as a gift!

8. Fertilizer and House Plants

The properties in Epsom salt don’t only work wonders on the human body, but they can be magic in the garden, too. Magnesium and sulfur help increases chlorophyll production in plants, makes bushes more voluminous, and it even helps increase flower production. It’s also a natural pest deterrent. The Epsom Salt Council offers tips on magnesium sulfate and how much to add to different types of plants in order to maximize growth.

Epsom salts are an inexpensive and versatile way to relieve pain and soften skin, as well as remedy common ailments and conditions, including sunburn and fungal infections. This mineral compound hasn’t changed in centuries, but our view on it certainly has, as evidenced by its countless applications.
