14 Warning Signs That there’s Hidden Inflammation in Your Body (and how to get rid of it)

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

warning signs of inflammation

14 Warning Signs of Inflammation

  1. Chronic fatigue
  2. Acne
  3. Food cravings
  4. Binge eating
  5. Unexplainable weight gain (not associated with eating more)
  6. Bloating
  7. Water retention
  8. Diarrhea or constipation
  9. High blood pressure
  10. Ulcers
  11. Joint pain
  12. Stiffness
  13. Flushing
  14. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

How To Treat Inflammation Naturally

Diet is the most important thing to look at when addressing inflammation. Before the onslaught of drugs to treat everything imaginable, food was considered medicine.

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” These are words to live by, literally.

The only caveat is that the food must be fresh, unprocessed and as natural as possible. The type of food you eat also determines the types of microbes that will grow and live in your gut.

Good microbes are essential for proper digestion and absorption of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your food. Processed foods are the main cause of inflammation, so you will need to start by eliminating all of these from your diet.

Refined sugar and wheat are also big contributors. And if you have food sensitivities, which is highly likely if you have inflammation, foods such as gluten, and cow’s milk can trigger further inflammation. (4)

A diet based on fresh, mostly raw vegetables, salads, good sources of protein, such as eggs, seafood, organic or grass-fed meat and poultry, as well as healthy fats that include omega-3 fats, fresh fruit and plenty of nuts and seeds (again raw is better) and plenty of probiotics, is what is going to heal inflammation for good. As a good rule of thumb, try to avoid any food that comes pre-packaged.

There are also many foods that have been shown to be especially good for fighting inflammation. Choosing as many of these as possible will help to speed the healing process.
