14 Warning Signs That there’s Hidden Inflammation in Your Body (and how to get rid of it)

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

warning signs of inflammation

Common Inflammation Triggers

More and more, research is linking food to disease. We know that certain foods are definitely not healthy, while others shown to promote healing.

But there are also some foods—mainly the majority of those that make up the standard American diet—that can be considered “inflammatory foods.”

Today, there are food additives in pretty much anything that isn’t organic. And now, we are starting to realize that even some foods that would otherwise seem “natural” can also be triggers.

These inflammatory triggers include such things as refined sugar, chemical additives, GMOs, artificial dyes and anything processed. All of these essentially trigger inflammation in your gut and can lead to devastating health issues.

The Biggest Cause of Inflammation

Food and chemicals are not the only triggers.

Stress is one of the biggest causes of inflammation.

Probably one of the reasons we don’t always link stress to disease is that it takes time for it to wreak havoc on our bodies. But anyone who has been under long-term stress will tell you that is can be deadly.

Eventually, your body starts give out and break down. But now that you know this, you can limit the damage by recognizing the 14 most common signs of inflammation before they get out of hand.
