Amazing Vitamin Can Help Stop Cancer Growth And This Is How Much You Need

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

vitamin d and cancer

“Based on our previous research, we have strong evidence that people who have no prostate cancer have higher levels of vitamin D than those patients who had a diagnosis of prostate cancer.”

The vitamin also improved bone health, rheumatoid arthritis, and other types of cancer.

It was found that supplementation with vitamin D3 could prevent the spread of disease (9).

Other Cancers

Combined with calcium, vitamin D reduces all-cancer risk in postmenopausal women by 77% (10).

These vitamins create E-cadherin, a substance that structures cells and binds them together to prevent the infiltration of cancer cells into organs and tissues, explains Cedric F. Garland, DrPH, from the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego (11).

“If the vitamin D level gets low, the cells of the breast epithelium don’t adhere to each other, and when a cell is not tightly adherent to its neighbors, its stem cells undergo rapid mitosis,” Dr. Garland explains.

“The cells that reproduce the fastest can produce a cancerous clone, which can ultimately penetrate the basal membrane. If the vitamin D deficiency continues, those cells will get out into the lymphatics, metastasize to the brain, bone, and lungs, and kill the patient.”
