This Miracle Healing Herb from Nature helps fight 5 different types of cancer

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

health benefits of moringa oleifera

The antioxidant powers of moringa have been widely studied. One study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology shows that taking seven grams or 1.5 teaspoons of powdered moringa leaf for 3 months can significantly increase your blood antioxidant levels. (11)

Another 2015 study published in the journal PLoS One revealed that moringa acts as an anti-cancer agent by “decreasing cell motility and colony formation in colorectal and breast cancer cell lines.” The researchers concluded that moringa “… may represent a valuable therapeutic tool for use as part of a therapy for the treatment of aggressive breast and colorectal carcinoma.”(12)

Another study published in the journal Oncology Letters, further revealed the therapeutic potential of moringa leaf in treating various types of cancers, including lung, breast, and skin cancers.

Moringa also contains many non-essential amino acids such as alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glycine, histidine, serine, proline, tyrosine, and glutamic acid, which promote numerous healing properties such as wound healing, immune boosting, cancer tumor suppression, as well as muscle and tissue growth.

2. Anti-Inflammatory

As well as its powerful anti-oxidant/anti-cancer properties, moringa is known for its ability to reduce inflammation. The leaves, pods and seeds contains isothiocyanates, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, which, among other things, are helpful for stomach ulcers.

Oil, made from the leaves (sometimes called Ben Oil) is also shown to protect the liver from chronic inflammation. As an added bonus, this oil can also be used to treat fungal issues, arthritis and is even a wonderful skin moisturizer. (13)

3. Cholesterol Regulator

Moringa is also unique in that it can also be used to help lower your cholesterol levels according to one study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. In fact, it is so effective, (and with no side effects) researchers say it is comparable to simvastatin, a known pharmaceutical used to lower cholesterol levels. (14)

Authors of the study state,”… The results indicate that this plant possesses antioxidant, hypolipidaemic, and antiatherosclerotic activities, and has therapeutic potential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.”

4. Other health benefits of moringa oleifera

Moringa is a significant source of fiber and as such, is helpful for removing waste and toxins from your intestines. A protein in the seeds of this plant have been shown to bind to impurities in water thus helping to purify it. In fact, according to studies, moringa seeds work better for water purification than many of the conventional synthetic materials on the market. (15)


The leaves are also used as a food preservative since they can increase the shelf life of meat by reducing oxidation. (16)

If you are breastfeeding, a study published in The Philippine Journal of Pediatrics showed that taking 250 mg of the dried moringa leaf capsules twice daily, increased milk production by a staggering 152 to 176 percent in just 5 days. (17)

And more specifically, some studies show that moringa leaves and seeds may protect against the effects of arsenic poisoning, which is helpful since many of the foods we eat, such as rice, are now shown to contain high levels of this toxin. (18)

How to Take Moringa

You can eat the leaves raw, cooked or even juiced. You can also use the powdered form and add it to your juice, tea, or sprinkle some in your salad and soup. This is especially good for people who don’t eat enough greens. And of course, you can purchase it in supplement form.
