This Old School Home Remedy Will Heal Your Back, Joints and Knee Pain in Just 7 Days!

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

gelatin remedy


You can add anti-inflammatory spices like cayenne pepper or turmeric to your jelly if you wish.

Why It Works

Many doctors feel that gelatin works to strengthen bones and joints because it contains collagen – one of the materials that naturally make up bone and cartilage.


In 2000, a study reported at a meeting of the American Academy of Family Physicians in Dallas measured the responses of 175 patients with osteoarthritis to a daily supplement of gelatin, calcium and vitamin C, and found that these supplements had a marked improvement on the patients’ pain levels and mobility.

“Gelatin supplementation has the potential to improve knee function during activities that cause high amounts of stress on the joint,” said Sean S. McCarthy of the Center for Clinical and Lifestyle Research in Shrewsbury, Mass.

Gelatin can also be used to treat stomach ulcers, reports a task group of researchers from a number of faculties across Russia. The contents of gelatin, specifically amino acids of glycine and proline, can protect the stomach and promote anti-ulcer activity.

Turmeric is naturally high in a COX-2 inhibitor called curcumin. This is an anti-inflammatory that offers great relief for arthritis pain.

If you struggle with joint pain, back pain, or even stomach ulcers, incorporating gelatin into your daily diet may help ease your daily pain and restore some of your mobility.