This 2-ingredient IBS Healing Tea Has Been Proven to Work Better Than Medication

by DailyHealthPost Editorial

ibs tea

Additionally, limiting or cutting out inflammatory foods like dairy, red meat, and wheat from your diet will help keep your gut under control.

Herbs like dill and ginger can also help relieve the symptoms of IBS as well as ease digestion and reduce inflammation.

IBS Relief Tea

The recipe for IBS tea below combines fennel and peppermint for lasting results.

Fennel alleviates gas and bloating that result from IBS:

“Fennel seed is one of the most effective digestive aids, having carminative, antispasmodic, and stomachic properties. It is highly beneficial to reduce digestive cramping, gas, and bloating. The volatile oils contained in the seed stimulate the mucus membranes in the digestive tract, encouraging motility and peristalsis. The aromatic oils also exert smooth muscle antispasmodic and carminative actions. The seed tincture or tea is effective for treating intestinal spasms that result from conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, leaky gut syndrome, Celiac’s disease, and intestinal candidiasis.”(5).

The phytonutrient anethole, found in fennel, blocks muscle inflammation and carcinogenesis of the intestinal tract (6). Use the leaves and seeds for tea and the rest of the vegetable to eat—it’s delicious, aromatic, and good for you.

Peppermint activates an anti-pain reaction in the colon and reduces inflammation (7). One study published in the journal Phytomedicine went so far as to say “PO [peppermint oil]…may be the drug of choice in IBS patients with non-serious constipation or diarrhea to alleviate general symptoms and to improve the quality of life.”(8)

Easy to grow yourself, you can always have some peppermint on hand for tea or use in recipes or salads.

Fennel and Mint IBS Tea


  • 4-6 cups purified or distilled water
  • Fresh fennel leaves
  • Fresh peppermint leaves
  • Raw organic honey (optional)


  1. Chop the herb stalks and leaves to encourage the release of oils.
  2. Add the herbs to a large glass measuring cup or bowl.
  3. Pour boiling water over the herbs and steep (covered) for about 20 minutes. The longer you steep it, the stronger it gets. Covering the tea while steeping prevents the evaporation of medicinal oils.
  4. Strain the herbs from the tea and add honey to taste, if desired.
  5. Drink 1–3 cups daily to relieve your IBS symptoms.